What are the safety precautions when working with high voltage?

Taking care of your health should be your primary concern no matter the job you’re up to. You need to take special note of all the guidelines and safety precautions when you are employed with any such process. This is because many people do not think about their own health and they do not follow all the safety precautions mentioned dealing with adjustable high voltage power supply.



The following points will educate you about how to take care of your health and add necessary gear and equipment when dealing with all such situations. Never work alone so that in event of an emergency, there can be another person to assist you. Always keep one hand in your pocket when anywhere around a powered line or when near a high voltage DC power supply.



Wear rubber bottoms shoes or sneakers and opt for an insulated floor since that is better than metal or bare concrete, which are conductors of electricity. Wear eye protection and remove all forms of jewelry that can accidentally come in contact of the current. Always carry a fire extinguisher along with you in case of a fire hazard. Use a dust mask when cleaning inside electronic equipment and appliances. Research about your equipment so that you know everything about it. Learning about your equipment is the first thing you do when handling it. If you are removing electric boards, place an insulating material in between them.